
This page informs the ongoing and forthcoming progress in my research. If you are interested in the subject and would like to discuss about it, be free to drop a mail.

Current Research Work

My current research focuses on:


Under Review:

Dissertation: Overview

Research Question
Ontic Structural Realism is one of the recent and rigorously developing metaphysical systems within the domain of scientific metaphysics.
  1. On the notion of Universal Real Patterns:
    1. The ambiguity surrounding the concept of real patterns which can be universally measured, across scales of measurement;
    2. The possibility of an observer who can measure across all scales: Are we looking at a reformed Laplace's Demon?
  2. On the claim of primacy of fundamental physics: The possibility of ontological dependence of entities and processes of fundamental physics on those of special sciences, through the case of formation of subatomic particles in early universe. Focus on the role of environment, on such dependence.
© Sahana Rajan